Aos sábados de manhã, a Rafaela costuma fazer Tai Chi no jardim do Palácio de Cristal. Por vezes, acontece-lhe chegar um pouco antes da aula começar e nessas ocasiões aproveita o tempo de espera para ler. Numa altura em que o ar da manhã ainda era bastante fresco, procurou guarida na sala de leitura da Biblioteca Municipal Almeida Garrett, local onde a conheci e fotografei. Lia "O Último Segredo", de José Rodrigues dos Santos, um autor cujo percurso tem vindo a acompanhar desde que leu "A Fórmula de Deus", de que gostou muito. Diz a Rafael que aprecia em particular a forma como o autor se baseia em factos verídicos para conceber os seus romances.
On saturday mornings, Rafaela usually does Tai Chi at the garden os Palácio de Cristal. Sometimes, she gets there before the lessons starts so she takes the opportunity to read while she waits. In a morning when the air was still rather cold, she sought shelter in the reading room of the Almeida Garrett Municipal Library, the place where I met and photographed her. She was reading "O Último Segredo", from José Rodrigues dos Santos, an author she has been following since she read "A Fórmula de Deus", which she liked a lot. Rafaela particularly enjoys the way the author writes his novels based in true facts.
Translated by Marisa Silva
On saturday mornings, Rafaela usually does Tai Chi at the garden os Palácio de Cristal. Sometimes, she gets there before the lessons starts so she takes the opportunity to read while she waits. In a morning when the air was still rather cold, she sought shelter in the reading room of the Almeida Garrett Municipal Library, the place where I met and photographed her. She was reading "O Último Segredo", from José Rodrigues dos Santos, an author she has been following since she read "A Fórmula de Deus", which she liked a lot. Rafaela particularly enjoys the way the author writes his novels based in true facts.
Translated by Marisa Silva
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