Estar em Madrid num domingo de manhã exige uma ida ao Rastro. No bairro onde antigamente existia um matadouro e onde os animais, depois de abatidos, eram arrastados para os curtidores deixando um rasto (rastro, em espanhol) de sangue, acontece semanalmente aquilo que eu considero muito mais que uma simples feira da ladra: é uma verdadeira festa! Embaladas pelos pregões dos vendedores, pela música dos artistas de rua e pelo cheiro a tapas, milhares de pessoas passeiam-se pelas ruas onde se vende de tudo, livros incluídos. De partida para o próximo lugar a visitar, fui apanhar o metro na estação Tirso de Molina e foi aí, na plataforma, que passei pela Narcis a ler o que tinha acabado de comprar no Rastro: "Máquinas Mortales", um livro de ficção científica escrito por Philip Reeve.
Being in Madrid on a Sunday morning requires a trip to Rastro. In the neighborhood where in the old days there was a slaughterhouse and where animals left a trail (rastro, in spanish) of blood when transported to the tanner, happens every week what I think is much more than a simple Flee Market: it is a real fiesta! Rocked by the street seller's cry, by the music of the street performers and by the smell of tapas, thousands of people walk in the streets where everything is sold, books included. Leaving to the next place to visit, I went to catch the subway at Tirso de Molina Station and it was there, at the platform, that I walked by Narcis reading what she has just bought at Rastro: "Infernal Devices", a science fiction book by Philip Reeve.
Translated by Marisa Silva
Being in Madrid on a Sunday morning requires a trip to Rastro. In the neighborhood where in the old days there was a slaughterhouse and where animals left a trail (rastro, in spanish) of blood when transported to the tanner, happens every week what I think is much more than a simple Flee Market: it is a real fiesta! Rocked by the street seller's cry, by the music of the street performers and by the smell of tapas, thousands of people walk in the streets where everything is sold, books included. Leaving to the next place to visit, I went to catch the subway at Tirso de Molina Station and it was there, at the platform, that I walked by Narcis reading what she has just bought at Rastro: "Infernal Devices", a science fiction book by Philip Reeve.
Translated by Marisa Silva
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