O Sérgio é um dos colegas de trabalho que vejo frequentemente na cantina acompanhado de um livro. E também já o tinha visto entretido com um tablet enquanto espera na fila para ser servido. Mas quando alguém olha fixamente para um tablet é difícil saber o que esse alguém está a fazer: ver um vídeo, folhear os jornais diários ou simplesmente atualizar o status no Facebook são algumas hipóteses e nenhuma delas interessa ao Acordo Fotográfico. Hoje, graças aos ziguezagues da fila para o almoço, pude confirmar que o que levava o Sérgio a não levantar os olhos do pequeno ecrã era uma história aos quadradinhos. Comentei com a I. e a G.: "Dava uma boa foto, não dava?". E fui ter com ele. Espectador de "Dead Man Walking" na televisão, o Sérgio encontrou na net a adaptação desta série ao formato Banda Desenhada e, curioso, decidiu ler. A coleção é composta por 114 livros, o Sérgio já vai no 21º volume. Escusado será dizer-vos que está a gostar. No entanto, para ler outras coisas além da Banda Desenhada, dos jornais ou de uma eventual revista, este leitor assíduo dispensa as modernices. Quando se trata de um romance ou de qualquer outro livro de ficção, do que ele gosta mesmo é do tradicional formato em papel. "O Perfume", de Patrick Süskind, "The Shining", de Stephen King e "Os Retornados", de Júlio Magalhães são os seus preferidos, este último em particular. "Identifiquei-me com a história em tudo porque também vim de Angola".
Sérgio is one of my co-workers who I often see at the cafeteria accompanied by a book. And I have also seen him entertained with a tablet while waiting in line to be served. But when someone fixedly stares to a tablet it is hard to find out what that someone is doing: watching a video, go trough daily newspapers or just updating his or her Facebook status are a few of the hypotheses and none of them matters to Acordo Fotográfico. Today, thanks to the zigzags of the line for lunch, I could check that Sergio didn't lift his eyes from the small screen because he was reading a comic book. I remarked to I. and G: "That would make a great photo, wouldn't it?". And I approached him. Viewer of "Dead Man Walking" on TV, Sergio found online this series adaptation to the comic book format and, curious as he is, decided to read it. 114 books compose the collection, Sergio is on the 21st volume. Needless to say that he is enjoying them. However, to read other things besides Comic Books, newspapers or an eventual magazine, this regular reader discards modern devices. To read a novel or some other fiction book, what he really likes is the traditional paper format. "Perfume" by Patrick Süskind, "The Shining", by Stephen King and "Os Retornados" by Júlio Magalhães are his favourites, particularly this last one. "I identified with everything in the story because I also came from Angola”.
Translated by Marisa Silva
Sérgio is one of my co-workers who I often see at the cafeteria accompanied by a book. And I have also seen him entertained with a tablet while waiting in line to be served. But when someone fixedly stares to a tablet it is hard to find out what that someone is doing: watching a video, go trough daily newspapers or just updating his or her Facebook status are a few of the hypotheses and none of them matters to Acordo Fotográfico. Today, thanks to the zigzags of the line for lunch, I could check that Sergio didn't lift his eyes from the small screen because he was reading a comic book. I remarked to I. and G: "That would make a great photo, wouldn't it?". And I approached him. Viewer of "Dead Man Walking" on TV, Sergio found online this series adaptation to the comic book format and, curious as he is, decided to read it. 114 books compose the collection, Sergio is on the 21st volume. Needless to say that he is enjoying them. However, to read other things besides Comic Books, newspapers or an eventual magazine, this regular reader discards modern devices. To read a novel or some other fiction book, what he really likes is the traditional paper format. "Perfume" by Patrick Süskind, "The Shining", by Stephen King and "Os Retornados" by Júlio Magalhães are his favourites, particularly this last one. "I identified with everything in the story because I also came from Angola”.
Translated by Marisa Silva
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